Is There Any Astrology Remedy for Extra Marital Affairs or Secret Love – pandit Vishnu

extra marital affairs

Is There Any Astrology Remedy for Extra Marital Affairs or Secret Love - pandit Vishnu

Astrology has been a trusted tool for people seeking guidance and solutions for various life problems. One such problem that can often be devastating for relationships is extra marital affairs. An extra marital affair can cause emotional turmoil and create a sense of betrayal in a relationship, leaving the affected partner feeling hurt, angry, and lost. While the topic of extra marital affairs is a sensitive one, astrology can provide some insights into the matter and suggest remedies to avoid or deal with such situations. In this article, we will discuss whether astrology offers remedies for extra marital affairs, especially in the state of Texas.

Extra Marital Affairs in Texas

The state of Texas is no stranger to extra marital affairs. According to a survey conducted by Ashley Madison, a popular extra marital dating website, Texas ranks third among the states with the highest number of users. The survey revealed that Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas were the top three cities with the most number of users. These statistics indicate that extra marital affairs are prevalent in Texas and can have a significant impact on relationships. Master Vishnu, an expert astrologer with vast experience in the field of astrology says that he comes across the question of “how to stop husband extra marital affairs” a lot. There are many women who come to him looking for remedies for husband extra marital affairs and vice versa. 

Extra Marital Affairs in Astrology

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, which can reveal insights into human affairs and natural phenomena. In astrology, the position of planets at the time of birth can determine an individual’s traits, characteristics, and potential. Astrology also considers the impact of planetary movements on various aspects of life, including relationships.


According to astrology, the position of Venus, the planet of love and relationships, can indicate the potential for extra marital affairs in a person’s chart. If Venus is placed in a challenging position in the chart, it can lead to infidelity, attraction towards forbidden connections, or secret love affairs. However, this does not mean that everyone with a challenging Venus position will have extra marital affairs, as astrology considers the individual’s free will and choices. 

Astrological Remedies for Extra Marital Affairs- Explained by Master Vishnu

Astrology offers remedies to address the potential for extra marital affairs in a person’s chart. The remedies aim to strengthen the individual’s willpower, reduce the negative impact of challenging planetary positions, and promote positive traits and behaviors. Some of the remedies that can be helpful in avoiding or dealing with extra marital affairs are:


Strengthening Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationships and plays a significant role in extra marital affairs. If Venus is weak or challenged in a person’s chart, it can lead to infidelity or attraction towards forbidden relationships. Remedies such as wearing a diamond or opal, reciting Venus mantras, or performing Venus-related rituals can strengthen Venus and reduce its negative impact.


Strengthening Jupiter: Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, morals, and ethics. Strengthening Jupiter can promote positive traits and behaviors, such as honesty, loyalty, and commitment to a relationship. Remedies such as wearing a yellow sapphire or topaz, reciting Jupiter mantras, or performing Jupiter-related rituals can strengthen Jupiter and promote positive traits.


Strengthening Mars: Mars is the planet of courage, strength, and willpower. Strengthening Mars can help an individual resist temptation, overcome challenges, and stay committed to a relationship. Remedies such as wearing a red coral or performing Mars-related rituals can strengthen Mars and promote willpower.

Seeking Professional Help: If a person is struggling with extra marital affairs, seeking professional help can be beneficial. Consulting an astrologer or a relationship counselor can provide insights into the underlying issues and suggest remedies to address them.



Extra marital affairs can be a challenging problem to deal with in any relationship. While astrology cannot provide a guaranteed solution, it can offer insights into the potential for extra marital affairs in a person’s chart and suggest remedies to avoid or deal with such situations.


Can astrology predict the likelihood of extra marital affairs in a person's chart?

Yes, astrology can provide insights into the potential for extra marital affairs based on the position of planets such as Venus in a person’s birth chart.

Are there any astrological remedies to prevent or deal with extra marital affairs in Texas?

Yes, remedies such as strengthening Venus, Jupiter, and Mars, and seeking professional help can be helpful in avoiding or dealing with extra marital affairs.


Does astrology provide a guaranteed solution to extra marital affairs?

No, astrology cannot provide a guaranteed solution, but it can offer insights and suggest remedies to address the underlying issues that contribute to extra marital affairs. Ultimately, it is up to the individual’s free will and choices to commit to their relationship and avoid infidelity.

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